The curious case of the building and miniature railroad that was planned next to the Montauk Cutoff, yet never built.
The curious case of the building and miniature railroad that was planned next to the Montauk Cutoff, yet never built.
There has been a ton of talk lately about what will become of the Montauk Cutoff. While the future remains unknown, its past is surprisingly more interesting than has thus far been reported.
4 years ago we posted about an abandoned locomotive, a 1950s era neglected engine buried deep behind rows of freight cars at a local bustling yard. This locomotive still exists, and is looking worse than ever.
So one day me and The Chef were puttering around town when we came across a freight sitting in Blissville Yard, completely unattended. At the time, the yard was barely being used, so we went in for a closer look at this curious rail attraction.
In early 2012 the LIRR stored a string of their M3 type rail cars at the ‘new’ Arch Street shop
In 2002 we stopped by Metro North’s graveyard to poke around the oddball collection of junk commuter train equipment stored and awaiting a date with either the scrappers torch or, less likely, resale and restoration. This collection of locomotives and rail cars represented some of the best and worst in terms of reliability & design.
In 2003 me and Rebel SC came across this very long abandoned Staten Island Rapid Transit car.
In 2001, I came across a set of 3 old wooden subway cars parked in Sunset Park, across the street from the old Davidson Pipe storage facility (which today is a Costco store). As luck would have it, they were parked in a small former SBK yard with no fence. These were the last wooden […]