"You’re not like the 50 million tourists per year that come to NYC. Sure, there’s probably a few of our world famous attractions you want to see, but you’re looking for an authetic NYC experience. Perhaps you’re looking to see what remains of NYC’s proud industrial past. Maybe you want to see grimey old abandoned buildings or underground spaces and tunnels? Maybe you want to get some rooftop photos from angles virtually unseen by most tourists? I can help you with any of these.
NYC's supply of places to explore is a constantly shifting landscape. Tunnels go through waves of being more or less easy to explore depending on the political winds and routine maintenance. Virtually all of our long-standing, best known abandoned buildings are gone. There's usually plenty to see, but this inventory of available exploring spots shifts year to year (and often month to month). Trust me, I know. I’ve been in more abandoned buuldings in NYC than anyone else. I’ve walked through more tunnels under NYC than nearly any other non-MTA employee, and I’ve been on quite a few great rooftops as well. I am a born and raised New Yorker who has been exploring here for over 25 years.
I can be your guide for hire and/or consultant on how to find great off-the-beaten path places to explore. Don't be mislead by all of the great places you'll find on this site and on social media - many of those places no longer exist. To successfully explore NYC's hidden underbelly, you need a fixer. "
- Bad Guy Joe
Example Tour Packages:
Addtional options available upon request.