“Do you want to die tonight?”
Graffiti Related Posts
The problem with these god damned acid trains is that tanker cars ain’t got many tags…
The end of this tunnel was once filled with the ashes of many unnamed victims. Ashes of those who met a horrid death that I watched with my own eyes and could smell and taste for days beyond. You don’t forget something like that, ever.
Occasionally we here at LTV get snarky, extremely ignorant comments tossed in our direction from ‘urban explorers’ for the ‘hideous’ crime of posting Graffiti related content to this site, and for having published 2 highly regarded books exclusively about NYC Graffiti, and a 3rd that covers both exploring and graffiti within NYC’s subway system. What […]
Red Hook contained one of NYC’s tallest abandoned industrial buildings, with one of the best graffiti galleries and a rooftop view unparalleled in awesomeness. Today, The New York Dock building is being converted into apartments.
In 2003 me and Rebel SC came across this very long abandoned Staten Island Rapid Transit car.
You’ve seen the graffiti walls on the outside, but now we take you inside. This is 5 pointz, explored. Another LTV Exclusive. It’s more than just a name of a building in Long Island City. It is an idea, a symbol, and unfortunately, soon to be nothing but a memory. As explorers, it was our […]
Certified Concrete owned a ready mix plant in LIC, ‘Under the Kosciuszko Bridge’ according to the NY Times.