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A wide collection of film journal posts, product reviews and political postings.

Post-Sandy Ft. Tilden exposes old WW2 Relics

This concrete foundation has been under sand for decades, and Hurricane Sandy washed away all of that sand covering it.

Reading Viaduct

Recent proposals have called for turning this stretch into an elevated park similar to the High Line in NYC. Whether this will become a reality only time can tell….

‘Homeless’ artist dies subway tunnel fire.

A sad end for an urban survivor.

Smith Infirmary Damaged in Hurricane Irene

Smith Infirmary

Another fine example of government ineptitude.

“UE”, just what the hell is it, anyway?

A rip roaring look into what a ‘UE” is, and to whom it means what.

Harlem Explorer Arrests (updated)

Subway exploring can be hazardous to your weekend.

Maksim Gelman’s many Flickr accounts and YouTube appearance.

All week I’ve been getting reports of Maksim Gelman’s various flickr accounts. In the graffiti world, he was slightly known by his tag names: Max, Wes, and WS. In 2007-2008 he created at least 4 flickr accounts: “Couch Bombay’ – (Created: March 2008) ‘Maxwell’ – (Created: January 2008) ‘MaxerBlaster’ (Created: February 2008) […]

How much does it cost to arrest a graffiti writer?

Many Sunnyside residents were awoken in the early hours of Monday morning by a low-flying police helicopter. The helicopter was flying over 42nd and Queens Blvd at 2:00am as police were pursuing three teenagers who were tagging the building above Dunkin’ Donuts. The police tracked them down and arrested them at 41stand Queens Blvd at […]