A few days ago, the ‘green boards of death’ went up around the long abandoned apartment building under the 7 train at Court Square.
An illustrated exploration of the industrial history of factories along the 7 train in L.I.C. - includes never seen before photos from abandoned factories & rooftops.
A few days ago, the ‘green boards of death’ went up around the long abandoned apartment building under the 7 train at Court Square.
Citibank building in 2015 (on the left), the top gets lost in the clouds on rainy days… I watched this building rise while growing up, and as the years passed, the itch to get to the top of it grew stronger.
There has been a ton of talk lately about what will become of the Montauk Cutoff. While the future remains unknown, its past is surprisingly more interesting than has thus far been reported.
In early 2012 the LIRR stored a string of their M3 type rail cars at the ‘new’ Arch Street shop
You’ve seen the graffiti walls on the outside, but now we take you inside. This is 5 pointz, explored. Another LTV Exclusive. It’s more than just a name of a building in Long Island City. It is an idea, a symbol, and unfortunately, soon to be nothing but a memory. As explorers, it was our […]
During the autumn of 2013, while many NYC art blogs were obsessing over Banksy and the lost of 5 points, NYC’s graffiti community created a gallery of their own just up the street from 5 pointz, within the old CN West / QP’s Marketplace buildings.
In the heart of Long Island City, an the CN West chemical factory with a long history has become yet another symbol for the drastic changes taking place in this part of NYC.