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5 Pointz Explored

By: Joseph Anastasio , Posted on March 25, 2014

You've seen the graffiti walls on the outside, but now we take you inside. This is 5 pointz, explored. Another LTV Exclusive.

It's more than just a name of a building in Long Island City. It is an idea, a symbol, and unfortunately, soon to be nothing but a memory. As explorers, it was our sworn duty to explore and document its interiors before it was gone. As an L.I.C. native with a lifetime love of graffiti, there was no way in hell I would be stopped. Before I get into our unabated hours of adventure in 5 pointz, let me drop the history for anyone that doesn't know.
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Certified Concrete, L.I.C.

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 20, 2014

Certified Concrete owned a ready mix plant in LIC, 'Under the Kosciuszko Bridge' according to the NY Times.
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Certified Concrete, Bronx (Transit Ready Mix) – Now Concrete Plant Park

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 19, 2014

In 2005, I took a ride to the Bronx to check out the abandoned Transit Ready Mix facility located along the Bronx River. Transit Ready Mix was owned by Biff Halloran, who also owned Certified Concrete (thus the title to this article). Read More Here

Certified Concrete, Harlem

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 18, 2014

Growing up in NYC in the 70s and 80s, kids would joke about what would happen if you crossed the mafia. 'You'll end up in the east river, with concrete shoes, sleeping with the fishes'. As with all humor, the jokes were based in reality. The ready mix industry in NYC was, for decades, closely tied to the mob. One of those mobbed up companies was Certified Concrete.
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Canadian National Abandoned Railroad Cars in the Bronx

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 14, 2014

Under a highway in the Bronx, one might find this curious set of seemingly abandoned railroad cars. These aren't just any railroad cars though.
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Cross Harbor Railroad’s derelict Locomotives

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 13, 2014

The NYCHRR Locomotives
Two New York Cross Harbor Railroad locomotives sat abandoned along 1st avenue in Brooklyn for many years, from roughly the late 1990s until 2006.This is their story.
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R28 cars 7926-7927 at Fresh Pond & Sunset Park in 2006

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 12, 2014

In the early 2000's the Illinois Railway Museum bought two R28 'Redbird' subway cars. By 2005 they were stored at the Cross Harbor yard in Sunset Park. Within a few months they were moved up Fresh Pond yard.
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Rooftopping Times Square.

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on February 7, 2014

There’s something awesome about being on a hotel rooftop high above Times Square, isolated from the hustle below, that cannot easily be explained. You are at once in the middle of everything, yet invisible to everyone. High above the crossroads of the world on this rooftop, it’s just you and your comrades, making the first stop on a night full of adventures.
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Terminal Cold Storage

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on February 6, 2014

Terminal Cold Storage is one of my new favorite buildings in NYC. Located on the far west side of Manhattan, this former warehouse and nightclub space represents one of NYC's most unique buildings.
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“6 ptz” – QP’s Marketplace Illegal Graffiti Gallery

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on December 15, 2013

During the autumn of 2013, while many NYC art blogs were obsessing over Banksy and the lost of 5 points, NYC's graffiti community created a gallery of their own just up the street from 5 pointz, within the old CN West / QP's Marketplace buildings. Read More Here


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