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NJ Railroad Outlaw Tour

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on August 13, 2012

Jersey is a great place if you're a foamer (i.e. railroad enthusiast).

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Essex County Isolation Hospital (Main Building, 2012)

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on August 8, 2012

In the NYC suburb of Belleview, New Jersey, the Essex County Isolation Hospital has sat abandoned for years.

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Retro Files: Essex County Isolation Hospital Outbuildings, 2001

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on August 7, 2012

This was the very first abandoned hospital I ever visited. Located in lovely downtown Belleville, New Jersey, this set of buildings was located behind a rather huge main building which was in use at the time. Today, not one trace of these buildings exists. They were bulldozed half a dozen years ago and replaced with crappy little garden apartment buildings. Quite the unfitting demise for a structure that dated back to 1905 and was still quite structurally sturdy.
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I Love Environmental Investigation

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on August 3, 2012

Everyone loves 'Environmental Investigations'. it's government speak for when an abandoned factory is potentially so toxic and beyond superfund status that no one really knows how many toxic chemicals and crap are in the soil of the property.
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Junkies Auto Repair

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on August 1, 2012

So I'm driving all over notfarNJ all day with a former felon, and we're on a spree. Every big abandoned building we see, we barge right into. This is the sort of broad daylight exploring blitz I live for.
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Stella D’oro

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on July 30, 2012

The Stella D'oro cookie factory was a longstanding source of good paying jobs in The Bronx - that is, until a private equity company got involved.
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Hutton Brick Co.

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on July 17, 2012

An old Brick Factory lays in ruins on the Hudson river, awaiting an unknown future.

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Fortune Warehouse

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on July 1, 2012

There's not a whole lot to talk about with this place. It's a rather huge warehouse once operated by a furniture retailer. When they went bankrupt, they left this place to gather dust. Huge warehouse space, combined with a smaller office area that was molded over from water damage, and a computer server room that was sadly already looted by the time we arrived.
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Fallenville High

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on June 18, 2012

The town of South Fallenville is a barren wasteland. Storefronts are empty, residents survive off government benefits - many have no cars, and with no public transportation, they have no means of escape. With no jobs to be found and no way to get ahead, this area may as well be a prison. Decay has set in on all sides.

One of the biggest examples of this is the old town high school. It sits abandoned, forlorn, and slowly starting to crumble.

This is rural America 2012, where the American dream turned out to be the American nightmare.

Kearney Siding Warehouses – National Envelope

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on June 5, 2012

Huge warehouses, conspicuous amounts of non-activity, and that intrigue strikes once again. What the hell is inside these abandoned warehouses? Let's find out.

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