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N4th Street Realty

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on June 25, 2007

The only reference to this building that I could find online is via a map located on the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal railroad site. it was located at the southwest corner of N4th street and Wythe. The rear of the building had loading docks which opened to a railroad siding, thus it's somewhat likely that the building was also used for transloading goods from boxcars to trucks. If you happen to know more about this building, by all means please comment below.

Ok so I think your FAT MOM lived here, cuz I yelled "Hey Kool Aid!" and she came busting through the wall.

Enough of my attempts at humor.

It's kinda hard to not go into a place when there's a huge fucking hole in the wall.

It's kinda hard to not go into a place when there's a huge fucking hole in the wall. As a matter of fact just before we walked into this one some set of hipster assholes paraded right on in and then disappeared. They probably realized we were already in there and thus afraid of actual native NYers.

Hey that's ok, I don't give a god damn. I'm not a photo snob who only explorers abandoned mental hospitals and well aged decaying buildings. I'll explore anything... and I'll photography the hell out of it. In a year or two none of this will be here, and I'll have some of the only photographic evidence that this place existed at all.

The abandoned Domino’s Sugar Refinery

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on June 7, 2007

For many years, the Abandoned Domino's Sugar refinery on the Brooklyn waterfront was a playground for explorers and graffiti artists. As usual, we were in first.

In 1857 they started refining sugar on this property, and that practice continued until the early 2000's. The Dominos refinery's closure was not a happy occasion, a fact that seems to be overlooked by just about everyone reporting on the situation there today. In 1988, the company was bought by an overseas firm that in 1998 handed the union a raw deal - a contract that demanded a lot of give backs and a slap to the face of the working man everywhere. The union went on strike, but they got no backing from their national organization. Left out in the cold for more than 20 months, the union finally gave in and the company got to ram their raw deal down the worker's throats. It wouldn't even last that long though. With production so far down while the strike was on, the place never seemed to recatch what it once had... They closed up the factory and sold the property in 2004. A sick and sad end to a long storied history.

Today the Abandoned Domino's Sugar refinery stands vacant and quiet. Security cameras line the facade and guards wander around... inside, the buildings are dark and quiet. The floors are sticky with sugar product. It's just one of the dozens of abandoned industrial buildings located around NYC.

Such a large industrial site as this, located on prime real estate, will surely not last much longer. Plans to redevelop it are already made. How much longer it will stand, who knows... The only thing I do know is that preservationists wish to preserve the company sign that is on the side of one of the buildings here... and to that, I say maybe those preservationists should talk to some of the people that worked here and were eventually forced out and see what they have to say about that...

If I was one of them, I'd want to drive the wrecking ball through the sign myself.

Update: 2018.
This property has, of course, been redeveloped into residential housing.

The Fitchberg Power Plant.

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on May 31, 2007

No matter what state you're in, abandoned power plants all more or less look the same. This one was pretty well beat up but not at all tagged up. Located along a river with a short waterfall, there's still a constant roar in the air here, though the hum of electricity has long since become a memory.

Eberhard Faber Pencil ‘bando: Going Going Gone

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on April 12, 2007

The Eberhard Faber Pencil factory is breaking them all in terms of demo time. One month ago the boards went up around it, and here we are one month later, one building of the 3 almost completely demoed, the second building being smashed hard, and the third and largest, still intact, but actively having all electrical and plumbing scrapped.

What will be left if I bother to come back next month? Probably not even a pile of bricks.

For a complete history of this place, check out my first article about it.

Update 2018
Obviously this place is long gone. With their conversion to residential use, NYC has lost another set of abandoned industrial buildings.

Gamblers Tunnel

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 12, 2007





Here we have a 6 track mainline subway tunnel - a great place for a game of Underground Frogger.

Faber Pencil Factory

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on March 4, 2007

In 2007, 2 buildings which were once part of the Eberhard Faber Pencil company in Greenpoint were demolished, and a third was converted to condos. Here is a look into all 3 just as they were being demoed/renoed.
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Nee How Ma? WoaHa!

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on January 28, 2007


I've always liked this subway tunnel spot. It's just plain nice in a lot of weird ways. Lots of action, lots of legend, and lots of hobo bits...

But one thing I never noticed until now is the god damned weird ass asian looking graffiti. I've not noticed this in any other subway tunnel either. Who did this and what the hell does it say?

Or did I just make a wrong turn at Albuquerque and ended up digging all the way to china?








WhiteWashing What Was Real

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on


Emergency exits are currently being fixed up and painted throughout the system ahead of enhanced security measure installations. This is a cold and ugly fact to those of that who enjoy tunnels like women: DIRTY.

It is, unfortunately, what it is. Much old historic exit graffiti has already been whitewashed away. How long will it be before every exit looks the same, with boring, lifeless gray paint replacing the tags and worker scrawled notes written on walls that next to no one would ever get to see.


It's just another nail in the coffin of what was once a truly crazy city, where everything in the subways - including the emergency exits, were covered in graffiti.




No need to advertise. A tribute to Driggs Pizza

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on

XSoup's Driggs Page

Many years ago I was walking down this subway tunnel under Manhattan on a solo mission and had a good laugh when I came across this 'page' by XSOUP. ('Pages' in the NYC subways are paragraphs of text painted high on the walls, exclusively done by Revs & his crew (Scope, Nuke, Espo, XSoup, et al)). They all date back between 1994 and 1999.
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Tomb Ov The Unknown Tunnel

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on January 21, 2007

This is quite possibly the most unknown, undocumented section of subway tunnel currently available.
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