Greenpoint terminal was a big enough set of buildings that you could go over and over and over and still find new things. On this night we accessed a room that looked as though a squatter was living in it. Upon closer inspection though it appears the room was used as a local hang out for kids growing up in the area in the 1980s, and judging from the style of graffiti, may later have been used by some punk rock squatters.
What do we have in this corner?
Hallway outside – note the tennis ball – this building was covered in tennis balls from the playground across the street. (An old ritual was that if a ball lost it’s bounce, you’d try to ‘roof it’ – knocking it onto a rooftop – or in this case – into a broken window)
Our ride for the night. Rental vans fit in anywhere.
Note the ‘led zepplin’ logo on the wall.
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