Anyone paying attention to the news these days knows that the 2 single track North River Tunnels that carry Amtrak and NJ transit commuters to Penn Station in NYC are in severely bad shape and need to be replaced and/or supplement with additional tunnels. You also probably already know NJ Governor Chris Christie famously shut down a project to construct additional tunnels, and offered no alternatives or better ideas when he did.
Now NY State governor Cuomo is weighing in on this matter, and his Op-Ed in today’s NY Times is shockingly ridiculous. In a nutshell, all he does is finger point and deflect blame.
Here’s some fun quotes:
“There is a wide gap between politicians saying they will do something and actually getting it done. “
Last I checked sir, you are a politician elected to get things done, and so far you’ve done absolutely nothing about this problem.
But that quote is NOTHING compared to this gem:
“This tunnel is critical not only to New Jersey and New York but also to Northeast corridor train service through eight states.”
Last I checked, when there are signal and power problems in the the north river tunnels, it affects the economies of New York and New Jersey the most.
Last I checked, when there are signal and power problems in the the north river tunnels, it affects the economies of New York and New Jersey the most. Maybe there’s some trickle down in other states where a few Amtrak riders missed their business meetings, but let’s not try spreading blame to ‘8 States’. Seriously, are citizens in Cumberland or Cape Charles, Maryland affected by our tunnels? Pittsburgh PA? Or Maybe Pittsfield Mass?
Yes, Amtrak owns the tunnels, and yes they are a federal agency – but the largest user of those tunnels is NJ Transit, and the NYC economy suffers when talented workers from NJ can’t get to NYC. The governors of NY and NJ should be pressing hard to get this done and providing funding and oversight that it gets done swiftly (like, in the next 2-3 years swiftly). If that means pressing Washington DC for money to fund it – fucking do it already. Pulling a Christie by walking away doesn’t solve the problem. Pulling a Cuomo and blaming everyone but yourself doesn’t solve the problem. Put some cash on the table, and demand the feds do the same. Otherwise you’re just a shit talking do-nothing politician who does not deserve to represent the people of either NY or NJ.
On that note, these repugnant politicians are going to find themselves in some serious crap if another Hurricane hits NYC anytime soon… I have my popcorn ready.
Politicians don’t like asking for $ from Washington cause if the pipe dream ever comes true that they are nominated a presidential candidate, this will be used as ammunition against them… ” You let your tunnels go to neglect so bad in your state it cost the nation ?”