“OMFG lookit’ deez LTV guys exploring gas stations WTF! Zexor’s Gas! For Real?!”
Update: Dec. 14 2019 — This post was named after the NYC graffiti artist who graced this abandoned dive with a huge throwy across the front of it. Here we are a few years later and Zexor has passed away. I never met Zexor, but I enjoyed seeing him up on the streets.
Yes, this is just one gas station, but gas stations are a dying breed in NYC, and I knew there’d be a few decent photos to take which add color to Ray’s reporting about over-development in Western Queens and Brooklyn. With the real estate market on overdrive, gas stations, diners and other properties with large land footprints have become prime targets for greedy ‘developers’. LIC still has a few gas stations, but the two previously located closest to Queens Plaza are now abandoned wrecks. If Manhattan is any indicator (where fuel is hard to find), parts of Western Queens and Brooklyn will also become devoid of gas station competition – which drives up prices and creates havoc when something like Hurricane Sandy goes down.
No one cares about fuel until they are on empty
Since our elected officials are a complete joke, and no one cares about fuel until they are on empty, there is little we can do about this situation other than sit back, watch and document it. Maybe we’ll have no need for fuel one day. Maybe we’ll look back on the decision to let businesses such as this one disappear and shake our heads at the stupidity of those who came before us. Time will tell.
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