So one day me and The Chef were puttering around town when we came across a freight sitting in Blissville Yard, completely unattended. At the time, the yard was barely being used, so we went in for a closer look at this curious rail attraction.
The train was parked on a stub ended track, with the locomotive shut down. Behind it was a string of random mixed freight cars. More curious, those freight cars were completely graffiti free. As anyone who follows our regular ‘freight chronicle’ posts would tell you, that’s just not something you see in NYC.
Thus our best guess was that the train was left here for some photo or video shoot. The whole thing was one big prop. With the city sklyline in the background, and Silvercup East TV studio just down the street (along with Haddad’s storage in the old getty terminal across the road), this would be a prime spot for a film crew to shoot some video.
Now the big question is – what TV show/movie was this freight in? Anyone recognize the scene?
Clearly some patchwork paint job here.
SW1001 105 – This locomotive hasn’t been painted in at least 15 years, with it’s dark blue & white LIRR paint showing through
Inside the cab it’s a bit crusty looking to.
Fuses and Torpedoes. Just what everyone needs.
This lack of graffiti is too strange.
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