Constructed around 1950, this industrial building was located at 11th street and 46th ave – right across the street from the print shop that was recently demolished and replaced with condos. The last business to use this factory was Shine Electronics.
Shine relocated, and apparently their owner also owned this building. Kyu Heung Park made $7 Million dollars in a single day by selling this property. Not too shabby.
A little about Shine, from their website: Established in 1974, Shine Electronics is now one of the pioneers of reverse logistics of wireless and cell phone products and has recently celebrated 40 years in business. We work closely with wireless manufacturers and other service centers to regularly train on new technologies and cell phone models to help improve their performance and quality in repairing and refurbishment.
Before Shine’s use of the building, it had a certificate of occupancy listing its use for some form of paper manufacturing.
As of this writing, the entire building has been bulldozed. it will be replaced with two family townhouses.
I randomly got up at 6AM one Sunday morning and went for a walk around LIC. The streets were extremely quiet of course. The only people lurking around were the occasional taxi garage workers and some very ghetto people arguing loudly outside of the strip club at the base of the Queensboro bridge on 21st street. They were clearly up all night, and from the sounds of things it was a night ending badly.
I passed by this building often enough to be curious about it. It seemed to be empty for awhile. Baffling but true, a side door was left completely unlocked. Am I the only person walking around this city trying door handles on these vacant old buildings?
Apparently not. Inside, it was clear that demolition work had already begun. The entire roof was removed, and literally every wall was covered in graffiti.
There was quite a bit of graffiti in the building, most of it just basic fill ins and tags.
In one corner though was a real gem: two pieces – by Merk and Rank TRK.
These were some old Astoria writers who had crushed every rooftop along the R line (now the N/Q) through Queens. Merk has been pretty active lately, though Rank hasn’t tagged up anything in that I know of in nearly 20 years.
Up on the one small section of roof that was left, there was a Rank throwy.
Seeing this new-old graffiti was really cool shit.
There was basically nothing else left in this building. If it wasn’t for the graffiti, I would have been bored to death.
Within weeks this building was completely bulldozed. I’m glad I got in and got these photos before the inevitable happened.
This is rank trk olive up the block from the old factory I seen side door open a few days walked in and saw nice brick walls I haven’t done walls in years called Merk and said come down tomorrow we’re doing wall he was going nuts did it in broad daylight man we were Godoy one more but it got torn down my piece came out pretty good