Subway Shutdown leads to Homeless Fiasco
The city government is doing exactly what it always does when faced with a crisis: treating the lowest rung of society with absolute disdain. Last week, the MTA and NYPD “Closed” the subway in order to force out the homeless and to cover up the lack of disinfecting taking place on our subway cars. The newly removed homeless are merely being dumped off outside one of NYC’s most notorious ‘shelters’—the 30th Street Men’s Shelter. It is basically an extremely violent voluntary prison where CoronaVirus has likely killed one of their management team. At least four homeless individuals have died while in city shelters.
Maybe the city should invest in longer term safe care for these people? All things considered how fauxgressive mayor sure loves to spend money on frivolous nonsense. Here is a huge opportunity to give people a chance to change their lives.
ASS: Assorted Subway Shenanigans
Time is now inverted underground. 2PM is the new 2AM. Just saying.
Texas Tunnel Life
San Antonio isn’t widely known as a place where homeless live underground, but that’s slowly changing. Over the last year, local news outlets have been running the occasional story on governments efforts to clean up these drains, and how the homeless simply drag entire bags of trash here vs. picking through what they want on the streets.
Police State Update
Hawai’i is considering using ankle bracelets to track and arrest anyone who doesn’t quarantine. The former island nation is usually all Ahola and shit but when it comes to pandemics, the answer is clearly fuck no. They don’t have the resources to handle a severe outbreak so it kinda makes sense maybe? Quarantinewhile, Louisville, Kentucky has literally court ordered a few people to wear ankle bracelets.
Next up comes the contact tracing—a prime opportunity for government agencies to map your social networks and eventually use who you know against you in the court of law.
If you are Male, in the Pittsburgh area, and gifted with the ability to not drool at the sight of large boobs, you may want to reply to this Craigslist Ad. My girl is exactly as she describes, so uh, make sure you bring your own looting tools. 😛
Noo book about MassholeChuesetts bandos.
YES! One Michigan town has decided to sue wet wipe makers for causing fatbergs.
Cops arrested a Grandma in NYC for scribbling “Trump = Plague” IN CHALK on a boarded up building. Further evidence that many NYPD cops are either back on their quota bullshit, or every bit as racist as the numbers show.
This is how you don’t try to stop a freight train. Whatever your cause, trying to stop a freight train in motion is an extremely stupid idea. Don’t mess with the double railed gods.
Meanwhile, right wing racist ass nazi anti-shutdown protesters made a tiny appearance in NYC this weekend, and nearly half of them were hauled away and given Desk Appearance Tickets and fines for not social distancing. I’d love a list of their names so they can be doxed. If any of them live in NYC, they should be made to feel real welcome here…
Asshole government officials in Abbotsford (Canada) are going to demolish a long ‘abandoned’ house that is currently home to raccoons and feral cats. Sure they’ve got cat rescue folks on the job but seriously, leave the wildlife be. They’re better than us garbage humans.
I put up a little bit of a political screed about how we need to bring PPE manufacturing home. If you’re into that sort of thing, check it out.
Bando BBQ
A ‘bando church in South Carolina was completely destroyed (in the name of SATAN!) last week. Kids with lighters can change the world!
Arsonists also took out a building at the former Bainbridge Naval Training Center in Maryland. Maybe they thought that’s where Hilary Clinton was hiding all the dead baby adrenochrome?
Another building at the abandoned Knoxville College had a fire last week. If you’re in TN, see this spot before it’s gone.
International Update
UK Man finds legit forgotten tunnel under his house. Breaks the Internet. Zodd save the queen!
While we’re in the UK, how about a tour of old abandoned tube stations?
Reading, UK is dealing with more Fatbergs. Apparently they are seeing 10 times the amount of fatberg blockages now than before Covid-19.
UK cops also randomly busted two kids doing drugs in a bando because seriously when Boris Johnson is in charge, what else is there to do? See: Boris Johnson is a drug peddler. Just like that. Is it fake news or am I fucking with you? Who can say? WHAT IS REAL ANYWAY?
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