Did you know the origin story of the nuclear bomb began deep under Manhattan, and became a secret abandoned exploring spot?
Exploring location files
Did you know the origin story of the nuclear bomb began deep under Manhattan, and became a secret abandoned exploring spot?
Deep in the woods of Connecticut sits the ghostly remains of a rare eighty year old abandoned locomotive. It has rarely been photographed, despite sitting in the same location for nearly twenty years now.
For over 30 years a small collection of trains sat abandoned just south of Albany, New York. Their time in obscurity has come to an end. In this video I revisit the site, show recent developments and head back to the office to detail what we’ve seen, what we’ve lost, and what will hopefully happen […]
The long abandoned ‘New Market’ building has final met a most disturbing of ends.
Parkway hospital, located in Forest Hills was the only privately owned hospital in New York City. It was forced to close by the New York State.
In 2012, I adventured on up to Hudson Psych with the two goon brothers on a mission to explore as much of the place as we could in a single day.
On January 31st, 2015, a massive fire ripped through a warehouse on the Brooklyn waterfront that contained troves of government records. Some of these were records from Building G – one of NYC’s most notorious psych ward. This highly suspicious fire involved an early morning FDNY response to a small fire, which rekindled and exploded […]
During the first week of March, 2020, the final bricks of the old Fresh Direct warehouse in L.I.C. came tumbling down. This building had a long history, and the future of this now cleared site is unknown (for the moment).
Did you know the Navy Yard once contained it’s own Hospital, and some of its abandoned buildings still survive today?
Admiral’s Row was the Brooklyn Navy Yard’s best known Bando. Literally that’s the only reason for this post.
Nearly ten years ago, we made an accidental discovery hidden in an abandoned corner of the Navy Yard that would soon become one of the most recognized memorials in NYC.