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WTC 9/11 Memorial Mock Up at the Navy Yard

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on December 13, 2009


During a day long return visit to the Brooklyn Navy Yard, we came across an oddly placed viewing stand erected on the side of a hill in the southwest corner of the property, which contains the boarded up old abandoned hospital buildings you can see driving by on the BQE. This viewing stand was completely out of place, thus it warranted a closer inspection.
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Admirals Row

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on December 1, 2009

There's a relatively constant buzz about Admirals Row in NYC preservation circles. Instead of a write up on the history of this place I'm going to instead link you to the Wikipedia page and to a site by some of those trying to save theses structures.


By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on September 19, 2009

History: Founded in the 1800s, this church building was built early in the 20th century. The first service held here was for the pastor, who died just as the building was completed. In the years that followed the church survived and then, as with all things, died a slow caustic death. Congregation slipped away, while the building fell into disrepair. Finally the last services were held, and the property sold...

Today: the buildings here have numbered days. The bulldozers will come. The sometimes historic rubbish left behind will be hauled off to the landfill. The pigeons will have to roost in some other rafters, and the feral cats of the neighborhood will have to hunt somewhere else. And these photos will provide a rare look, into what was, and soon will not be.

Abandoned Red Hook Grain Terminal, 2009 edition

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on August 25, 2009

When some CHUMPS from Vice Magazine came calling, wanting an interview & look around the ole' abandoned Red Hook Grain Terminal, I figured fuck it, why not. Maybe I can convince them to do a whole 'Do's and Don't' series on how not to be a fake ass unoriginal loser trying to steal other people's concepts and make a name off it?

Bah! Well, I didn't bother to go there, but I will bother to go here, again and again for years to come, until they finally get rid of this ridiculous building and make it into condos once and for all.

Smutty Times

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on

This is a very old, somewhat historic place. You can smell it the instant you rip off the plywood and come inside this place like you wished you could do to your sister.

That's right motherfucker, it's hot and forbidden in here.

Everything smells like Wood.

Old machines full of pokey rods, conveyor belts running what seems like miles in every direction, gears that grind against gears... This is some serious industrial age porn right here.

I could tell you all about the history of this place, but I'm not going to bother. Unlike a lot of people on the internet these days I actually know how to post something without giving away all of the information free.

You want it?

Well just like sex you better work for that shit motherfucker!

BTI 2009

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on June 25, 2009

Most abandoned buildings in urban areas have a limited shelf life. Up until the recent economic downturn the NYC area has lost dozens of abandoned locations to 'developers' who've taken these often toxic locations, cleaned then up somewhat, and thrown some cheaply built condos on them.

Strangely though, this building still endures the test of time. It has gotten a lot moremroe beat up over the last ten years, but it still stands, attracting strange weirdos like the one I ran into behind the building when I was on my way out. This dude had a huge head and looked like the 'Little bit of Luck' NYS lottery character. I was tempted to ask him if Lady Luck was around, but I digress.

For some perspective, here's what this place looked like before:



Today, it's a whole lot more tagged up. Rumors that it would be turned into a school have thus far proven false, so who knows what the future holds for this botanical abandoned bumpfest.

Dela Death Bridge

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on June 24, 2009

This poured concrete bridge has sat abandoned for just over 20 years. It's a fairly unique place to go for an exploring trip as there are ladders that lead you from the top of the bridge down inside, and then out onto the arches with span the rushing river below. The large quantity of sloppy graffiti here stands testament to the fact that this is definitely the local hangout for stoners and reprobates alike.

Ironically, just now as I did some searching online to come up with something else to say about this bridge I learned that just a scant few days after our visit, an 18 year old who jumped into the river off a similar nearby bridge went missing. I can't say this surprises me much, as I know of a number of people who come out here and bridge-jump into the deep parts of the river for summertime fun. Definitely not a good idea though if you're not a good swimmer.

Hole 5

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on June 23, 2009

We found a hole, and no one wanted to go in it. Truly a remarkable moment for NYC Explorers! A Hole! That NO ONE wanted to go in!

The BX Draws

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on May 24, 2009

There's not a whole lot to say about this set of railroad drawbridges, other than they both seem to be locked into place and unable to open. One belongs to Amtrak and seems better maintained than it's sister bridge just a few feet away, which is owned by CSX and is now a single track bridge, with the rail ties rotted and burned where the second track has been lifted.  Despite their forlorn, rusty and graffitied appearance, Both still see trains on a daily basis, and are located in one of the darkest corners of an urban area you can expect to find.

Pure Chewing Satisfaction – The abandoned Wrigley Gum factory

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on April 6, 2009

Did you know that humans have been chewing gum for at least 3000 years, and that modern day chewing gum was invented on Staten Island? If not, it's time to learn about the abandoned Wrigley Gum factory in Rosebank.
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