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Apple Tag and Label

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on April 5, 2009

The Apple Tag and Label building sat abandoned for years.
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St. Niagara State Hospital

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on April 3, 2009

This one was such a bitch to get into for some reason. You'd think that first thing in a sunday morning you wouldn't run into cops, cable guys, and trash dumpster guys, all lingering around said location doing absolutely nothing... but that's how it was...

So after waiting these lameos out we finally got to barge right in. From a photography perspective I'm pleased with the results, but adventure wise, this place wasn't really worth the wait. Gutted & beat up, this old hospital has seen better days. Judging from the trash bin removers and the utter lack of windows in this building, chances are it'll be seeing a new life as some form of housing soon enough.

NJ Jet Research Labs

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on February 3, 2009

When one plans fails, always have another.

I had seen this place before, but with a carload of people and one plan shot down, this immediately came up as plan B. There's a lot of cool industrial shit to shoot here.

Back in the day, this place used to test jet engines and rockets for military use. Today it is a forlorn, forgotten, desolate place.  Hopefully it'll stay this way for still more years to come.


By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on

Not a whole lot to say about this place. it was once a major concrete production facility, employing hard drinking American labor. Now it's a ghost town...

The New and Old South Ferry – Unofficial Tour

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on December 12, 2008

The NYC MTA is opening a new subway station at South Ferry. This new station, funded by the feds after 9/11, is meant to replace the old 1905 South Ferry loop station on the 1 & 9 line. What's most interesting about this station is that they've tied it to the nearby R/W whitehall street station, as well as connected it to the old loop stations via doorways and utility rooms which the public will likely never get to see (and yes, that is loop stations in the plurial - the inner track on the south ferry loop, used to turn #5 trains during non-rush hours, also has a station located behind it's wall. This station was abandoned in the 1970s.).

Long before the MTA gave it's press tour, we helped ourselves to a peak behind the curtain of this new station, which is set to open sometime in the next month or two.

Second Avenue Subway, 1970s Harlem Segment

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on October 29, 2008

When we arrived at this tunnel, it had never been photographed before. Only a few daredevil graffiti artists even knew it existed, and everyone was tight lipped about how to get in. Make no mistake - getting in was a challenge, but we don't do this because it's always easy.
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Brooklyn Navy Yard Power Plant – Day Raid & History

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on October 28, 2008

How it was
At the time of my writing this, the final bricks of the former Brooklyn Navy Yard Power Plant are coming down.
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F’ing mirror image.

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on September 22, 2008

Sometimes subway stations are only, at best, half in use. There's many many many stations with abandoned mezzanines and closed off entrances. This is one of them.

DSNY Brooklyn North Garage / Commercial Corrugated Container Corp

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on August 20, 2008

2008 seems like a lifetime ago on Kent Ave. Back then I used to drive up this road often - it was two way, had little traffic, and even fewer traffic lights. Nearly every building along it was abandoned, including this, the former DSNY Brooklyn North Garage.
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Construction Hijinx.

By: Bad Guy Joe , Posted on July 22, 2008

Late night, out jones for something to break into. We came across this high rise construction site and refused to be denied. Fuck the security guy sleeping right there near the entrance. If they're going to charge a million dollars for these apartments in a few months, I sure as fuck want to see that shit before it becomes a fucking trend.

The view wasn't bad, made for nice night photos. Never pay for a view you can steal.


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